
A large amount of research in Neuroscience is based on the study of the activity of neurons recorded extracellularly with microelectrodes implanted in animals’ brains. These microwires ‘listen’ to a few neurons close-by the electrode tip that fire action potentials or ‘spikes’. Each neuron has spikes of a characteristic shape, which is mainly determined by the morphology of their dendritic trees and the distance and orientation relative to the recording electrode (from: Spike sorting ).

SPKtool is a toolbox developed on MATLAB which enables users to perform spike detection, spike sorting (manually or automatically) and spike train analysis.

The function of SPKtool including:

Spike detection:
Plot peak histogram of the raw continuous signal;

Spike detection by thresholding;

Detection on raw signal or energy, nonlinear energy of signal;

Feature extraction:

PCA, peak, valley, energy, timestamp, slice of waveforms, et al;

2D or 3D Features view;

Features Vs. Features view;

Feature density view;

Spike sorting:



EM of Gaussian Mixed Model;

Valley seeking;

Manual contour;

Delete or merge units;

Spike train analysis:

Interspike interval histograms (ISI);

ISI versus time

Poincare maps;

Correlation histograms;


Fire rate histograms;

Perievent histogram;

Perievent rasters.

SPKtool (with sample data) download page: